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Over the years I have grown to love Field Recording as much as I love Photography or using my Eurorack. I started to do it heavily on my spare time to get better at capturing a sounds in the field. There is something super rewarding to me about capturign a sound that can work right out of the box for a Sound Designer and to be honest at this point in my career I think it helps me to always be on the look out for a fresh new sound.
Here is a closer look at some of the Field Recording I do on my spare time. I organized this site by category of sounds so feel free to explore and let me know which ones you enjoy. You can also find all of these videos and more on my YouTube Channel.
Stereo Field Recording Rig Comparison Video
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Recording a Rusty Excavator in Liberty, WA Part 2
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Recording Dumpster Hits with LOM Usi Pro's near Kachess Lake,WA
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Rusty Railway Turn Table Sounds - Monte Cristo 2020
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LOM GeoFon Test 4 - Old Rusted Truck in the Woods
Recording Metal Sounds in the Field
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Recording a Machine in the Parking Garage of the Fairmont in Vancouver.
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Recording a Loud Flickering Light Sound
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Recording an Industrial Machine Sound in a Parking Garage
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